The perfect cup of tea

Black tea
Black tea should be made with filtered water that has been boiled. Black tea should be brewed in boiling water and let to steep for at least 2-3 minutes to achieve the correct balance found in its full-bodied flavor. Once brewing is complete, remove the tea leaves and serve. Black tea can be served plain, with milk and sugar, honey and lemon, spices, even a dash of a liquor for an after-dinner digestive.
Green Tea
Green Tea should be brewed using filtered water that has been boiled and left to cool to around 80 degrees and let to steep slowly for around 2-3 minutes. The art to extract the right balance of compounds-catechins is personal and depends on how many extractions one does with the tea leaves. Once brewing is complete, remove the tea leaves for every extraction made. Green tea is served without milk or sugar "Anything else is a compromise"
Ceremonial Match Tea
1. Add 1 tablespoon of our Ceremonial Matcha into bowl/cup
2. Add about 1 oz. of hot water (previously boiled and cooled for one minute)
3. Use the bamboo whisk to dissolve the Ceremonial Matcha powder
4. Add 3 oz. of hot water
5. Whisk for about 1 minute until frothy

Match Latte (alternate steps 4-5)
4. Add 3 oz. of hot milk (soy milk, almond milk)
5. Whisk for about 1 minute until frothy.
(*Only high-quality Ceremonial Matcha will froth)